Tech-Insight : What Is OLED?

In this article, we look at what OLED is and its advantages, and we take a brief look at the other types of LED displays available. What Is OLED?  OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode. This is a display technology that’s used in many modern electronic devices such as smartphones, televisions, and wearable devices.

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Tech News : Could ‘Organoid’ Computers Be Next?

Researchers from the John Hopkins University working with Dr Brett Kagan (chief scientist at Cortical Labs in Melbourne) have reported that brain ‘organoid’ biocomputing devices could be the next ‘big thing’ in computing. What Is A Brain Organoid?  Computers powered by brain cells could use ‘brain organoids’, which are (pen) dot-sized clusters of cell cultures made

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Sustainability : How Edible Food Packaging Could Reduce Plastic Waste

With eco-friendly packaging being considered as part of the green product decision-making process of today’s customers, here we look at food packaging that could save on plastic waste because it is edible! Edible Food Packaging  The concept of edible food packaging is not new and has been around for centuries in the form of natural

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Tech News : New Meta Verified Blue Badge Subscription Service

Meta has announced it’s launching its own version of Twitter’s Blue Tick called ‘Meta Verified’ for Facebook and Instagram where users pay a monthly subscription to be verified on the platforms. Announcement  On February 19, Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, announced that Meta is starting the rollout of its new ‘Meta Verified’ subscription service for Facebook

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Tech-Insight : Throttling And The “Big Switchoff”

With OpenReach now ‘throttling’ broadband speeds and limiting phone calls as measures designed to gently “nudge” customers to upgrade as the “Big Switchoff” approaches, we look at exactly what’s happening, why, and when. What Is The Great Switchoff?  The “Big Switchoff” refers to the switch from the old copper phone network to a new ‘Digital Voice’ alternative. Back in

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Tech News : IT Security Threatened By Professional Burnouts

A Mimecast spokesman has warned that in a labour market already stretched by shortages, Dutch digital resilience could be threatened if more attention isn’t paid to the mental well-being of cyber security professionals. Wanting To Change Jobs  Recent research commissioned by Mimecast in the Netherlands showed that a quarter of Dutch IT professionals are considering

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Sustainability : Bacteria Ink Gives Bonelike 3D Printed Structures

Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) have developed a way for using a 3D-printing ink that contains calcium carbonate-producing bacteria, giving a result similar to mollusc shells or bone. ‘BacktoInk’ – Environmentally Friendly  Researchers at EPFL’s Soft Materials Laboratory in the School of Engineering have successfully added the Sporosarcina pasteurii bacterium

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